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Nuances of ElectraGuard: ElectraGuard Flooring is a thin set epoxy applied using paint rollers. As such, minor deviations in thickness, texture, color and shading may be present in the coating. Deviations in the concrete profile may shadow through any thin set epoxy or floor paint as will the seams between tiles (if applied to standard VCT).

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Chair casters may become compromised with embedded dirt, wire clippings, nuts, bolts etc. This may accelerate the wear of ANY type of ESD Flooring.  Titanium chair mats are different. They are made from the hardest most wear resistant ESD flooring in the industry. Titanium Chair mats are perfect for use with ElectraGuard and ground right through the ElectraGuard Epoxy (no ground cord required)!


Due to the condition of some chair casters United recommends the use of Titanium esd chair mats in front of the workstation to protect any ESD flooring from chair caster damage. If chair casters are new and clients aren't working with small items that may get dropped and caught between the casters and ElectraGuard Titanium mats may not be needed.

Some dye lot colors may vary (Note: ElectraGuard light gray doesn't ever seem to have dye lot issues). For best results place your order for the entire amount needed for the current project plus possible future expansions. Prior to opening the pails check the dye lots and materials against your purchase order. The shelf life of the product is 2 years when stored indoors and in unopened containers at a temperature of 60 to 80 degrees F. ElectraGuard as applied does not have a shine. It is a low glare matte finish. For a high shine finish, top coat with the ElectraThane and ElectraGlaze.
